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0 №1431212  

Last week, I watch Gantz. I heard about this anime a few years and one boring day at work I managed watched the anime. Then when I got home I watched it up to episode 13. This has to be one of the worst anime I have seen in years. I really don't know were to start with this abomination.

I don't understand all the hype for this anime. For me it has to be the most frustration anime I have even seen. Most of the time watching this anime I'm screaming at the characters because the f***ing Gantz ball selects the most retarded people with no chance of surviving and the jackasses just stand there doing nothing while one guy does all the work.
A: No! Don't go! You might die!
[B goes fighting]
A: We've got to help him!
Group: But how?
A: He will die! We've got to help him!
Group: But how?
A: He will die! We've got to help him!
Group: But how?
A: He will die! We've got to help him!
Group: But how?
A: He will die! We've got to help him!
Group: But how?
A: He will die! We've got to help him!
Group: But how?
A: He will die! We've got to help him!
Group: But how?
A: He will die! We've got to help him!
Group: But how?
A: He will die! We've got to help him!
Group: But how?
[B dies]
A: No way! He's dead!
Group: It can't be!
Monster: WRAH!!
[everybody else dies]

>> №1431221  

Those characters that don't do sh*t; all they do is pick their noses, cry, and be useless. This anime would have been better or even watchable if I was piss drunk if it was not for the sh*tty characters. The only thing I like about this anime is that the Gantz ball is funny in a dick kind of way.

This anime was a big waste of time for me. In the back of my mind I was telling myself "maybe the next episode will between" but it did not get better. Now I have a giant pot of anger and hatred because of this bucket of sh*t. They tried to save it with the nude and ecchi scenes but it was way too late. Now I hate 3 anime; Naruto, Inuyasha and Gantz. I wonder how can any one defend this anime. those are my 2 cent on this horrible anime. Avoid this anime at all costs and if you have seen this I feel bad for you.

>> №1431278  

Интересная паста. Я даже не смотрел его, лол.

>> №1431295  


>> №1431385  

обьясняю суть этого говна:
охуенно рисуем неебически красивую первую серию, в которой непременно зачинаем очень интрижный сюжет (деснота тоже немного относится).
заполняем все оставшиеся серии филлерами без действительного раскрытия сути, таким образом поддерживая интригу.
в конце последней серии делаем намек что в следующем сезоне/части таки все станет ясно.

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