[d / dg / ad / pr / ph] - [au / b / bg / bo / c / di / ew / f / fa / fi / fl / hr / ja / me / mo / mu / n / ne / o / p / pa / r / re / s / sp / t / td / tr / tv / vg / w / wh / wm / wp] - [a / aa / fd / k / m / ma] - [fg / g / gg / h / ho / ls / u / y] - [Главная]

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71 №10632  

In this game, you play as a man named Nigga Joe. He is just like any other man; he goes to work at the Convient-Buy, steals money from the cash register to spite his pollack boss, and spends most of it on video games and shitty Japanese cartoons back at his apartment. He does not interact with anybody. He has few friends. Yet despite this, he is easily the most awesome nigga in all of Jersey City, and he doesn't give a fuck no matter what the circumstances.

One day, Nigga Joe is rung up by his landlord, demanding rent. Seeing as how Joe has not paid rent for the past two weeks and spent all of his income on more games for his Brickstation 9000 and surround sound television, he promises to pay tomorrow as usual. But his landlord is not buying it, and claims if Nigga Joe does not have the rent by tomorrow, he will be evicted. As per usual, Nigga Joe doesn't give a fuck just like he didn't in high school, and after slamming the door in his landlord's face he resumes playing video games, ignoring the outside world. However, his usual nine hour session is interrupted by the crashing of a police car through his apartment window, which comes frighteningly close to decimating his sweet set-up.

>> №10633  

Pissed like a motherfucker (but still not giving a fuck), Nigga Joe adjusts his shades and observes the gaping hole in his wall, only to see that Jersey City is being attacked by gremlin-looking things, and a really huge one is single-handedly raping the military's supply of jets, tanks, and infantry. Normally, Nigga Joe wouldn't bat an eyelash, given that he lives in Jersey City, but he figures that if that fat bastard keeps throwing police cars, the likelihood of his video games being destroyed is pretty high. After pondering the situation for a moment, Nigga Joe's thought process (which is insanely thorough, due to his IQ of 210) is interrupted by a small mob of mischievious gremlins, which he will refer to from now on as "Bitches". They proceed to edge toward his Brickstation 9000 and awesome computer full of porn, only to be intercepted by a fist to the face; this hurts them far more than a normal fist, as Nigga Joe has the words "BITCH" and "PLEASE" tattooed to his manly knuckles somehow.

Yet despite his manly knuckles, Nigga Joe understands that the Bitches won't be beaten by man alone, so he flips his couch over to reveal his second most prized possession: A pump-action 12-gauge broadsword claymore named Prince, which he bought from a Japanese online store for $15.99. After adjusting his shades yet again, Nigga Joe proceeds to beat and shoot the gremlins to a paste, and after falling twelve stories onto the streets of Jersey City below, he makes his way towards the Biggest Bitch, who is still destroying the town.

>> №10634  

Gameplay will consist of a cross between hack and slash (sword element), beat 'em up (fist element), and a third to first-person shooter (bullet element). Free roam is allowed, and Jersey City has several interesting locales that consist primarily of people making safe havens for themselves, both sane and insane. He can recruit and dismiss followers at a whim, can drive the abandoned cars littering the city, and can execute Bitches in seventy-five different ways, none of which include "Press X to not die". When he finally reaches the Biggest Bitch, he can choose between a number of different means of dispatching it, from climbing up its massive form to the head, to drinking a can of Growth-Aid and fighting it hand-to-hand. Also, he has to find a means of paying his rent.

>> №10644  


>> №10659  


>> №10661  


>> №10696  

Бамп эпичной пасте.

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[d / dg / ad / pr / ph] - [au / b / bg / bo / c / di / ew / f / fa / fi / fl / hr / ja / me / mo / mu / n / ne / o / p / pa / r / re / s / sp / t / td / tr / tv / vg / w / wh / wm / wp] - [a / aa / fd / k / m / ma] - [fg / g / gg / h / ho / ls / u / y] - [Главная]