Without proof you are a simple dick.
Proof must contain: sup 2ch.hk 09/10/13 and something that makes us 100% sure you're from US.
>>simple dick.
Yes, and on his words he's Leo Tolstoy.
no 2ch.hk = could be stolen from any other imageboard today. Show us '2ch.hk' or GTFO.
what state are you from?
connecticut born and raised
DO you love suck dicks?
cool. ever been to Russia?
My god! What an honour! Let's welcome our friend with the best processors of 2ch! Open your pack, guys!
omfg, you ARE real. It's not like we're a bunch of assholes here - it's just people usually lie here a lot.
So, how did you end up here anyway?
aventura time bitches
>>56018622 implying 2ch.hk isn't full of faggots/assholes
is that why you come here?
i have never sucked a dick but that one is ugly and mutilated
no, it's not: it's full of love and friendship, and ponies
no i haven't but i would like to...maybe i will steal some information from the government and give it to vladimir
i understand its like that on 4chan where i came from and i seen it posted a while ago i wanted to meet people from other places!
>and ponies
So, if you worship ponies you wouldn't be against if I post some of them here?
>maybe i will steal some information from the government and give it to vladimir
Let me make a call to Vladimir and ask him what information he needs
mamky ipal azazazaza)))
ma dik is bik
your dik is smal
go home yanki
go home
Dude, russian imageboards are full of shit, like russia mostly. We hate our country and we wanna get out of here. Russia is the worst place ever.
>he probably already has all that he needs
he is very liked on the american internet website 4chan many memes are created
Are you banned on 4chan, faggot? Get the fuck out of our board, no one wants an arab-looking mofo in here
We or you? Damn moma's boys flood this board
2tea, bro.
Russian shit.
And i'm pidoraha which bad know enlish language
why is that? is it really that bad? Whenever i think of russia i see a strong country...and bears
He is a 20 y.o virgin who lives with his mom and sees others as ones who caused his problems
>We hate our country
We hate our government.
>we wanna get out of here
Not all of us but rather a big part.
>Russia is the worst place ever.
Well, not exactly the worst but this place can let all of your aspirations down and you may get an awful depression.
In the grim darkness of Russia there is only corruption!
Do you see? Russian pigs here are just agressive schoolboys. I'm ashamed that i was born in russia. Most of people here are very closed and angry, everyone hates everyone. Like animals. And our government are the biggest faggots ever. Type in google RUSSIAN STUPID LAWS and you will understand me. NEVER COME IN RUSSIA, THIS IS HELL
no but 4chan is full of reposts and cancer
we call them euphoric fedora wearing basement dwelling kissless virgins in america
We call them "notlikeeveryone's" and they are similar to fedora-tipping faggots, they consider that everyone around is fucking scum and only their intelligence is able to enlighten the rough daily existence aka make them euphoric
You know what i mean. Just do it.
What boards do you vist?
I bet you're from /soc/ or, even worse, /b/
I don't know why you see Russia as a strong country, the whole country is living off oil and gas sellings, we would be irrelevant to the world if we weren't lucky enough to have all these resources on our territory
No dude. This is not about me. I'm 26 and i have a pregnant wife. My salary for a month is 30000 rur, this is about 2000 usd. In Moscow. That's why I say that russia is hell.
But there are many people with good salary, but most of russians hate this people. Because they are very angry and lazy.
i know what you mean...i like you you're a cool guy
>30000 rur
>2000 usd
Oops, my mistake. Of course i mean 1000 usd.
Do you understand Russian?! How did you create thread!?
Hey / b /, maybe it will teach Russian?
Its 50% of gdp
>30000 rur
>1000 usd
Marry me, dude.
>Hey / b /, maybe it will teach Russian?
What do you mean?
You want OP to learn Russian stillborn idea or you want us to teach him level /b/ Russian?
Looks like average russian woman. Show tits.
You are mistake of nature. Suck your small dick.
>level /b/ Russian
Naturally level / b /
MEET YOBA! He is my only friend.
Leeroy Thornhill?
i dont like soc but yes /b/ /fit/ /v/
largest military in the world 2 mil+ strong
translator but that would be so cool http://vocaroo.com/i/s00rIj22zPA9
sure haha
this post came out wrong because gov is trying to blck communication haha
Did you watch Drive?
i'm fucking serious man
Ты чё пидор?
yeah it was ok the sound track was good
>>56020792 http://vocaroo.com/i/s1pj8YZfphHt how about some weird russian accent
Anyway, how does it feel not to have a government for a...week, i presume?
ты чо баб никогда не видел?
I am listening to it right now
Welcome to 2ch, american /b/rother
Of course!
She implies she is not a man.
Hey bro! Whats ur job? And how old r u?
Hey cutie
Is OP still here?
help russki /b/ hes trying to rape me haha
http://vocaroo.com/i/s1cosazTmo5y haha and it really has no affected me yet...not untill those bastards dressed in black are gone
OP, if u r still here, can u take a picture from window please?
yes im here
Is that you op?
wanna fight?
Open, could you invite someone to our b? Every day same threads. Looks like this chan need more fresh content.
OP, do you like Breaking Bad?
He is dead
op is clearly not
depends what kind of fighting
yes i can !
i love it
Dude, are you a virgin? And how possible to fuck a middle-age girl in your state?
winters coming
OP, show your house.
Those photos look like google maps street view screenshots.
>i love it
Do u like how it ends?
>winters coming
U like game of thrones too, right?
nope and probably possible depending on how you look my friend is 19 and he has a baby with a 36 year old
..im 19 i have no job not yet
Thanx for the photos btw.
fight till death
Try out our /fiz/ board. And please create a thread about your perfect american genetics and how it would be cool to leave Russia now and save their health.
Zaranee spasibo with love from Siberia, zashkvarenniy pindos
well ok but bananas is the safty word
no problem bro >>56022296
its not >>56022320
no i havent
do i have chances to move in US legally?
Whould should i expext if i ll do that illegaly? what kind of job can i get there? inb4 gaywhore and smth like that
Where can i get a amercan wife, lol?
Уёбывай с моей родины пиндос треклятый, btw how could you wright on your whole hand srsly I can wright only on small part near the big finger Wtf?
>im 19 i have no job not yet
Do u live with parents?
I wanna go to the USA and have a trip on a car, is it possible? I mean i want to come for a 2-3 weeks, rent or buy any car and just drive. How much money do i need for this? Somebody said i can buy a used car for about 500 dollars then how much do i need to eat and sleep somewhere?
the vata is strong in this one
Have you or your father ever had sex with a real nigger of any gender? How was that?
What's up from NYC bro.
Ny suka zabil kak pishetsya kem ne bivaet to a?
Do u know chinese OP ?
Не прошло и двух постов, а пидораха уже побежала жаловаться мурриканцу.
пошел наъуй отсюда!
на самом деле я завидую.
Как переехать?
There's no such language, stupid teenage idiot.
I to pravda bratish
На самолете.
Agree, only kitaian
BOYS, I WENT TODAY IN SHORT MARKET AND SAW BONA a T-shirt "Jaroussky," Well, I jumped up and DRAMATICALLY PEREEBAL HIS SCHSCHI with turntable, and explained his screams "DO NOT LOVE Sieg Heil" BECAUSE I mad ON 359, THE SPIRIT OF THE OLD SCHOOL BOYS LIVE ONLY Mytishch WHERE EBASHATSYA of hardcore WHERE BOYS LIVE ENERGY, young and fuck the system in your mouth! MYTISCHI 359 ONLY ONLY HARDCORE! UNITY ULTRAHARDKOR MYTISCHI! boys ebashte hachey, Fu antiantifu, pidarasnyu, ugorayu at gigs, love your family, kids and a scene! Talk openly and boldly in the face! 359!
everyone one has a chance to move to the us legally
if you do it illegally then...well they would deport you. You can basically do anything thats under the table (paid without tax or papers)cook landscaping anything basically... but if you're good at something you and extremely dedicated you can become famous but only if you're really good at what you do.
pic related
>i can buy a used car for about 500 dollars
Yes-yes, young man. We, russians, don't lie to each other.
Put your mind deeply back in your fat fcking ass u fag
Why did you post it?
The only thing I can put is a big pile of shit on you, fuckhead.
BOYS, я пошел СЕГОДНЯ В КОРОТКИЕ РЫНОК и увидел BONA футболке "Ярусски:" Ну, я вскочил и резко PEREEBAL ЕГО SCHSCHI с грампластинок, и объяснил его крики "Не люби Зиг хайль", потому что я помешались на 359, дух старой школы мальчиков жить только Мытищ ГДЕ EBASHATSYA хардкора, где мальчики живую энергию, молодые и ебать систему в рот! МЫТИЩИ 359 ТОЛЬКО ТОЛЬКО хардкор! Заправка ULTRAHARDKOR МЫТИЩИ! Мальчики ebashte хачей, фу antiantifu, pidarasnyu, угораю на концертах, любить свою семью, детей и сцены! Обсуждение открыто и смело в лицо! 359!
I can put my dick into your mother's mouth. Oh, wait, i just did it.
I have a similar dream. I want to go on a trip to US, rent a car and take a ride in Arizona, as soon as I will find myself in the middle of nowhere, I will walk out of the car, sit down and take a big, fat shit in the desert.After that, my life can be complete
This YOBA is gone wild, are you able to handle him?
>I will walk out of the car, sit down and take a big, fat shit in the desert.After that, my life can be complete
What is it? Echo of the Cold War?
Как же убого смотрится, когда пидорахи пытаются говорить на английском.
gon shit on USA xdxdxd ))))0000
Ты и русского не знаешь.
Сказал человек, который переводит их фразы гугл транслейтом. Нахуй пшел.
мимо NYC-кун
It's an echo of his stupidness.
Can you answer to my questions please >>56022777?
i live with my brother
well 3 weeks including food depends for living you could stay at a hotel and that can range from 50 to 300 dollars a night
to rent a car its probably somewhere around 3 to 400 dollars a week or maybe less ive never done it you can buy a cheap one for 2000 on craigslist that is reliable
lol a nigger? i had sex with all kinds ranging from white to black even asian pic= oldfriend
Stupidity? Lol.
Not more, than when they're trying to speak correct Russian.
Me is vanya erokhin I'm popular rissaun rockstar mafaka turbo cybersex logbow finger box effect
Знаю, очевидно.
Да нет, ваше убогое мышление настолько предсказуемо, что с первых трех слов уже понятно, что будет написано дальше. Пидорахи шаблонные же. Одинаковые посты из треда в тред.
forgot picture
>50 to 300 dollars a night
Да иди ты нахуй с такими ценами
Хуйню какую-то несешь, еблан.
Ok, thank you. So i need about 100 dollars for a day?
And what about a car, can i buy it without any documents but my driver's license? Can i sell it after my trip?
>Stupidity? Lol.
I guess, lol. My english isn't so good right now, but i'm still learning it. It's pretty hard 'cause i don't know where can i practice in talking.
Poorfag got butthurt.
Hey OP, you are cute. Post more photo or I will crush America.
>>56023533 $35 - $60 in a motel yes its expensive you could save up money for a camper and live on the road they have beds and sinks and shit
Ю спин ми райт раунд беби, райт раунд...
Vova, what are you doing here?
What would you choose?
to be russian or to be a nigger?
What's a camper? How much for a night? All i need is a bed and something to eat in the morning. And where can i have a cheap dinner? I guess it'll be expansiveto eat every time in cafe.
Actually an American could understand it if he has read "Clockwork Orange". Am I Right?
Fuck america
more or less depending on where you go
you do need a drivers license however they are alot of people who dont drive with them...but if you get caught you get a court order and they tow your car im not sure if you can just take the test if you already have your license in another country i think you can. and yes you can sell the car after you are done with it.
Yeah, let's drink vodka, comrade. Fuck them all!
Nope, its just our usual memetic text been tranlsated with google-tranlsated (poorly).
being a nigga in US is prety much better
> those typos
Sorry, i didnt read it before i post.
what are your ancestors? you look like sandniger
And being russian in US is much fuckin better.
Good thread, /b/rothers, keep it up.
>im not sure if you can just take the test if you already have your license in another country
What do you mean? What test? I actually don't know much about it, but the teacher in my driver's school said that russian license is valid in the other countries.
Is it safe to sleep in that campers which you talked about above?
being russian anywhere is so fucked up
>can i buy it without any documents but my driver's license? Can i sell it after my trip?
Ворк эн Трэвол-кун
this is a camper and it can range from 4000$-to 30,000 (fuck that) depending on the make model and year i think you can rent them for less
i want to read it/watch the movie but i have not yet
men or women?
>my driver's school said that russian license is valid in the other countries
AFAIK it depends on state. Check this http://www.usa.gov/Topics/Foreign-Visitors-Driving.shtml
Meanwhile in Kremlin.
What an untermensch. Sage.
i dont get whats wrong with either???
it could be valid but americans drive on the right side of the rode
It looks like meth lab.
Delaware. What can you say about this state?
Goin next summer to bethany beach to get some cocaine with my american "pen-friend". We are faggots, we will smoke crack and bang each other in our butts! Wanna join?
>side of the rode
puertorican and only because i need a shave and a haircut
>i dont get whats wrong with either???
Lawl, you so tolerant. Even russians hate themselves for being russians.
>this is a camper
Sounds good, but i don't wanna cook meth want a simple car.
Thank you for the link.
Dat feel when u have an actual american visitor here and u can u can ask him anything about Murrica, but u realize dat in fact u dont have any questions cuz dis glourious american culture is everywhere and u feel like u already know everything about dis country. Srsly, i've never been there but i dunno what to ask.
>i dont get whats wrong with either???
One is russian, another one is nigger.
Ask what the fuck is going on with the goverment for the last two weeks, lol.
Hablas tu idioma?
There are two chairs: one has sharpened spears, on another one horned dicks. Which one you gonna choose, which to your mother leaves?
Nice. Have you tried anal sex?
One is obsessed with the idea of the Russian ubermenshes, another is obsessed with the idea of the humiliated black race.
So what`s about YOBA?
I'll take sharpened spears and cut the horned dicks.
Dude, you're so lucky that you live in USA. Life is so unfair with me.
i grew up being called a spic/nigger so yeah its just in me
I guess he knows about the same as we do, but indeed, plese OP if u have some special opinion about that mess tell us please what do u think.
Please tell me: is it fuckin true that our glorious 2ch.hk has a much comfortable interface than your capitalistic dump 4chan? Are you agree with that?
Pretty funny speach lol, i guess u cant just come out with something like this, whats the source of this thing?
Relax, he is latino.
Hope this isn't the last time you came here. You gave me a pleasant feel of worldwide unity. Welcome anytime.
Hohol, is that you?
si :)
no...have you?
i dont think im that lucky...if you dont like your country then just move. it cant be that hard can it?
Nope. Some people are just being objective.
> speach
OMFG Its speech ofc
The only native American is on the pic related.
All the others are ПОНАЕХАВШИЕ.
>no...have you?
Yep. And I will force you to try. moar pics plz :3
lel newfag. it's an old copypasta.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
OP, tell us please american's typical kinds of whining and moaning about fatherland?
>i dont think im that lucky...if you dont like your country then just move. it cant be that hard can it?
Harder than you might think. I know people who tried moving there and they just couldn't find a decent job, because nobody needs us. Let alone the fact that with our relatively small salaries it takes quite a time to save money to be able to move in the first place. But I'll probably try someday.
>I am trained in gorilla warfare
Lol at this every time.
>it cant be that hard can it?
I can't just go to the other country, right? I need something like invitation for a job or something. I'm not sure actually, but i heard something like that.
I know that there's a possibility to get a greencard, but the chances are very low and i heard that after explosion in boston that chance is equal to 0.
Посоны, что за обложка? Что-то пиздец знакомое.
Op, don't listen that faggot. You are not welcome here, mexican panty sniffer.
Оп-пик что ли? Очевидный Drive.
Faggorussian started to crow instead of Aurora!
Your words are complete bullshit until you post your own photo with sup.
Op, people like him are the very reason a lot of people hate Russia. People in general are less friendly and open-minded here. Can't blame them though, you know, Soviet brainwashing has left its traces.
Еще одна типикал пидорашка думает, что муррикосу интересно будет выслушать ее сопли о своей никчемной жизни.
Sing a Yoba's song without illegible Russian pronunciation then.
welp it happens honestly nothings different just a couple of websites got shut down and thats basically it...at least that i've seen im not sure if welfare is still up but i dont use that so im ok
it has it kinks but its alright i seen embed vocaroos and youtubes i assumed that you go under the media bar but it wont work....
captchas are easy
yee :) i was born hear though
it wont be and i agree
Hey, I just don't want to see a drug dealer here, that's all.
>implying he's not
OP, do you like SABATON?
Too fat.
drive je
А не. Просто облога немного в стиле 80х.
Ламповая. А судя по описанию, не оче как-то.
Do you own a machete?
Since you are latinos
Там и фильм в стиле неонуара + 80е.
Посмотри, не пожалеешь.
Весь мувач ссытся.
Ну или хейтит.
>>56025482 Так сложно самому найти да? Надо ведь специально людей напрячь.
Do you own kalashnikov?
Since you are Russian.
Так фильм и снят в стиле восьмидесятых. И музыка там соответствует. Там вообще только музыка достойна внимания
yes i did but i dont know where i left it
Там описание типичного быдло-боевика, рассчитанного на среднего зрителя, к собственно фильму имеет мало отношения. Вообше про него существуют полярные мнения от "самый душевный и ламповый фильм во вселенной" до "претенциозное говно без динамики про главгероя аутиста", но в любом случае это не та хуйня, что рисуется в описании.
Do you visit reddit? If no, what's your opinion on it?
Also, moar pics of yourself! :3
Dont know why you still here, maybee you miss old /b, but there is no /b soul in this place anymore. There is 9000+ newfags and other scum. I found 4chan way better even with all this reddit scumbags.
Таки нет, фильм вполне себе самобытный.
Ну от книги сильно отличается, да, но это сделано в угоду стилю+видению образа Драйвера режиссером и Гослингом.
>Таки нет, фильм вполне себе самобытный.
Аутист незаметен.
Вообще-то наш би лучше форчановского.
You don't like jokes, do you?
See >>56026205 he understood dis joke
OP, did u watch Bridge to Terabithia?
i use reddit to get more views on my art but thats as far as it goes n ok but i dont wanna haha
Unfortunately one of anons (me) has to go to sleep now, so i just wanted to say few words to our guest:
Thx for your visit, enjoy the rest of the thread and feel free to come back later! :) Here, grab some nyasha.
Hey dude, how many Russian you met in US?
There is your Mormons in our town. The good guys. I am familiar with some of them.
it is piece of govno
good night /b/rother !
mmm nasha
Что ж ты делаешь, не пали контору.
Hello, w&t!:3 задолбался в поезде трястись
Все еще не приехал?
Why are u smiling? I'm serious. I'm a Leslie-fag :3.
>>56026717 >>56026792
Лол, почему я знал, что кроме меня тут еще пара фагов, и КФ тоже тут? Только не скатывайте тред, а то какахами закидают.
0 and counting ive met slavs polish german italian french british japanese cambodian laotian canadian all kinds of spanish french black but no russians at least full blood.
mormons the religion? i dont know any really metprobably like 2 in my lifetime
Oh, what a qt. I'd fuck her in her perforated brakes.
Почти. Забавно, не думал, что буду узнавать твой стиль даже на английском, лол. Это все эти треды на доброчане. А у вас тут всем тредом вылазка смотрю?
Мимо, я Вирджиния, а на англицком w&t пишет, он в треде написал про янки, вот я и пришел глянуть, зная что кто то обязательно спросит про мост.
Вылез. А здесь снег хлопьями валит!
WELL it was nic talking to you all I will make sure to come back and invite other americans to share stories take care everyone !!!
Лол, мой-то стиль особенно трудно было узнать, когда я прямо про свою влажную мечту спросил.
>снег хлопьями валит!
Жду историй поездатых.
Thank you so much, i hope u'll visit us again. Bye.
just a lonely american passing through :(